Lib Haru 2.1.0
An open source code library to create PDF files in which you can include text, links, lines, notes, etc.
Lib Haru (also known as Haru) is a library, of open code, that lets you, from the source code of your applications, create PDF files.
The PDF document you create with the functions that the Lib Haru library brings can include lines, text, images, etc. It even lets you add notes to the text or links. Once the PDF is generated, it also has functions to compress it or encrust images in JPG or PNG.
Other Lib Haru functions let you select the font type you want to use, and also apply different encryption levels to the resulting PDF. The best thing is, as it`s open code, the programmer can make their own modifications to the libraries (they are written in ANSI C).
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